With the advent of 2022, Apple has decided to launch the photographic concert “Shot on iPhone”. Ecco tutti i premi in palio
Uno dei punti di forza degli iPhone za Senza dubbio il comparto fotografico. The ultimate melafonini lanceti sul mercato presentano sensori di ultima generation che, suprattutto nella variante Pro MaxTrojano loro massimo splendore. For those who want to add a photo to the video, with a poo manual it will be possible Exclusive results.
With the advent of 2022, Apple has decided to give this all a chance to launch a vero and proprietary Photographic concourse. Si chiama “Shot on iPhone” and allows all the possibilities of iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max to be added to the macro photo. What a wonderful way to screw people over – to get rid of Apple – which results in Selection of 10 winners.
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Concurso “Shot on iPhone” at Apple: All in all
If you have one iPhone 13 Pro o Pro Max And if you love photography, the new concert “Shot on iPhone” will be able to do so. The parting and finishing of the process February 16, 2022can possibly share the property photo macro Sui social con l’hashtag #ShotoniPhone e #iPhonemacrochallenge. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! 10 vincitori.
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Diversi i premium in palio, share a dedicated gallery on Apple Newsroom, apple.com, the official Instagram account and all the other social media pages of Cupertino. Not only this, with the help of digital campaigns, cartels and most public photographs. “Avoid getting your hands on a distance of 2 centimeters. The position of the message in the main square of the center of the incubator. Infinite toka un’area nel mirino per impostare un punto AF specifico. Scatter 0,5x per acquisition of a campo-visual ultragradangolare, oppure 1x per inquiry more highly developed“ i consigli Forniti da Apple stessa per uno scatto perfetto. The goal is to make the recipient and the recipient more There is a quota of licenses to use the photo.