Apple’s ceaseless campaign to make the App Store a clean, well-lit place may now extend to policing what people post in iOS social apps.
Apple appears to have started this not by fielding appeals from Facebook users to make their relatives shut up about politics, but with something farther from home: telling the messaging app Telegram to delete posts exposing the enforcers and enablers of Belarus’ dictatorship.
CEO Pavel Durov complained about Apple’s demands in two posts on that service last week. “Apple is requesting that we shut down 3 channels used by the people of Belarus to expose the identities of their oppressors,” he wrote Thursday.
The next day, he clarified that Apple had only required the removal of “specific posts ‘disclosing personal information’.” Durov also complained that Apple would not permit Telegram to explain why certain posts had vanished from its iOS app.
Telegram also provides apps for Android, Windows and Mac, plus web apps that should work in any modern browser. Only in iOS does Apple control large-scale app distribution, leaving those app developers at its mercy.
Durov’s posts cited three channels—karatelibelarusi, chatpartizan and belarusassholes—that Belarussian activists use to name and shame people working to prop up the authoritarian misrule of Alexander Lukashenko. Reviled as “Europe’s last dictatorship,” he has brutally oppressed political opponents, including blatantly rigging August elections in his favor.
Belarussian activists have latched onto Telegram to coordinate their protests, thanks to the app’s use of internet-routing tactics to evade the regime’s online censorship.
The three public Telegram channels at issue feature specific details, down to phone numbers and license plates, of these alleged enablers of the regime—“violent oppressors and those who helped rig the elections,” as Durov put it in last Thursday’s post.
Apple confirmed its requests that Telegram delete individual posts, pointing to its App Store rules for apps hosting user-generated content. They require those programs to provide systems for “filtering objectionable material,” “to report offensive content,” and “to block abusive users from the service.”
Dubai-based Telegram’s own terms of service include reporting and takedown provisions that appear to meet those criteria.
Apple’s rules do not define “objectionable” or “offensive,” although a separate provision on data usage that the Cupertino, Calif., company didn’t cite says an app “may not use, transmit, or share someone’s personal data without first obtaining their permission.”
That could cover “doxing”—posting enough public documentation of a person to subject them to physical harm or plausible threats of it. Most social apps ban it, but Telegram’s rules don’t cover it specifically.
Telegram did not respond to two requests for comment sent through the app to its press contact.
Natalia Krapiva, tech-legal counsel at the digital-rights group Access Now, distinguished in an email between holding public officials accountable for abuse of power by publicizing their names and faces versus adding contact information and demands for retribution.
“This increases the chances of not justice, but violent reprisals, including against innocent third parties,” she wrote. “Most, if not all, social media platforms have policies against this and I think rightfully so.”
Apple did not answer questions about whether the Belarus regime had asked it to have any posts deleted, why it forbade Telegram from explaining why posts vanished from its iOS apps, of if it had made similar demands of other apps.
Krapiva noted one related case: Apple’s October removal of HKmap.Live, an app Hong Kong protestors used to track police movements. China, very much unlike Belarus, holds enormous economic influence over Apple.
Meanwhile, those three Telegram channels continue to feature a flood of posts with highly specific data about alleged Lukashenko enablers—as seen not just on the Web and in the Android app, but in a copy of Telegram’s current iPad app.
Telegram users probably share more such data using the app’s end-to-end encrypted messaging, but neither Telegram nor Apple can see that communication.
The notion of Apple asserting the right to police user posts inside an iOS app left one of its foremost critics flabbergasted.
“I haven’t heard about that before,” emailed David Heinemeier Hansson, founder and chief technology officer at Basecamp. “That’s completely bananas.”
That firm rebelled against Apple’s demand that it alter its Hey email app to add Apple’s in-app billing—and its 30% cut of revenue for Apple—after which Apple backed down and Hey added a free-trial mode to its iOS program.
The likes of Facebook and Twitter would seem at no risk of Apple stepping in, but smaller companies have much less leverage.
One of them professed itself unconcerned. “Parler has a no doxing policy in our Terms Of Service, so this isn’t an issue for Parler,” wrote Kate Brown, a spokeswoman for Parler. That would-be rival to Twitter has pitched itself as an alternative to Twitter’s rules governing misinformation or hate speech.
Brown did not say if Parler had received any other Apple requests for the removal of posts.
Access Now’s Krapiva suggested that if Apple wants to start policing content, it should try a little transparency—not just documenting its rules but maintaining a defined appeals process—as outlined in that group’s own content-governance advice.
That’s a good idea. But transparency is not the high-order bit at Apple.