Electronics brand Asus has introduced new ROG Cetra in-ear headphones in the last few hours, specially designed for the gaming sector, who typically spend a few hours a day playing video games.
Abbreviation for ROG Republic of gamers, A consistently consultative name that makes it clear who the company is targeting with this new product. Whatever the case, these are the “headphones” that can be purchased Even by those who don’t play video games, Since they have very interesting qualities. The Asos ROG Cetra headphones confirm the company’s product vision designed for gaming, so not a “first price” but a medium-high quality, excellent material and competitive price.
ASUS ROG CETRA, New In-Ear Headphones Designed for Gaming: Features and Price
The new earphones are equipped with all the latest technology available in the market, a very beautiful design, and a price that certainly does not seem impossible for most pockets. The main feature of these headphones is a stay Very short delay, That is, a minimal response time, and it represents a really tempting feature in the case of the most complex and exciting online games, which can obviously make a difference: think about the possibility of warning a few moments before the arrival of a game, for example. Bullets, which will save the virtual skin of the gamer on duty.
However, the technical features aren’t very specific, but Asus explains that the latency is very low “to ensure an excellent level of combination between on-screen action and in-game audio” and “lag-free audio” to offer streams. Coming to that Wired earphones (I.e. zero). Then present ANC, active word cancellation In hybrid mode, and IPX4 certification Which allows the headphones to prevent splashing of water and sweat on their own Finally, autonomy, almost 5.5 hours usage which extends up to 27 hours including charging case. Prices for the “entry level” model range from ইউরো 59 to 9 129.99 for the more powerful version, and anyone interested in buying can find the dedicated link below on Amazon.
ASUS ROG Cetra Core Gaming Headphones for 59 Euros
Click here to buy it
Source: tecnologia.libero.it