Irish A has launched a Demand Against Owners Facebook For one Information gap Happened six years ago. He Irish Information Protection Committee (IDPC For its short form in English) imposed a 251 million euros is fine (Equivalent to US $ 263 million) to the target because of the allegations they made Responsible That Irish citizens have compromised data, Time In 2018, a data was leaked by the platform.
This interval happened for the weakness of the Facebook interface, which allows hackers to get access tokens and control their accounts. They had access to about 29 million people’s accounts worldwideIncluding three million in the European Union and the European economic space.
Cyber ​​Criminal They’ve got personal information Full name, email address, telephone number, location, date of birth, as a data of religion and minors.
The IDPC has complained to the goal of partially responsible for this protection event In order to tackle this national attack, there are not enough powerful protection systems, compromise with the protection of millions of users.
In response to these allegationsMeta announced in front of the media that “this decision refers to a event in 2018. As soon as we identified it, we take instant measures to solve the problem and inform the IDPC as well as the IDPC as well as the IDPC.”
“There are extensive steps in our sector to protect people on all our platforms,” ​​they added.
This situation will see how to develop And if the agency is willing to pay this fine or if it gives legal war to avoid it.
Through: Engagazate