We have a tour of the GOS parlor: dont polemiche montate nei giorni scorsi, si registra la dura presa di position geekBench a danno dei new galaxy s22 e degli ultri smartphone samsung top di gamma della series galaxy series commercializi ultli quattro anni
GeekBench Called the man with an important decision but not isolated. La rinomata piattaforma benchmark ha infatti rimosso l’intera serie Galaxy S22 The proprietary site, and analog sort of coinvolger pure gli ex flagship Samsung commercializati tra il 2019 and il 2021 (and the series Galaxy S21, Galaxy S20 and Galaxy S10).
The motivation? Come report it AndroidPoliceGeekBench has shown the difference and presents the distance from the cosmos Game Optimizing Service (GOS) on Samsung, an application for the first time to get the first users in Corea del Sud adventure to optimize the experience of the Samsung Gioco smartphone smartphone, and to make it incredibly more specific with the maximum potential from the “motor” of the flagship Seoul al fine di migliorare due punti certamente ragguardevoli come l’autonomia and the prevention of eventual surges of dispositivities, which should be included and legally sophistically at the first point. Sooner or later, the GOS will limit the presentation of the app for ragging and due diligence.
Galaxy S22 in good company
It is safe to assume that appreciation is perceived to be the result of its quotidianism, and to maximize autonomy, but not to be overwhelmed by favorites. GeekBench. The portal benchmark says that this conflict is a matter of practice, ritual.A benchmark form of benchmark”Giacché, a data from this platform, the main benchmark app is not limited to the service.
And not a temporary decision. Thanks to Samsung’s promotions, which promised to update an update to control Gioco’s live broadcasts, GeekBench He talked about the proprietary policy of continuing to remove the proprietary portal and manipulative dispositions, even in the presence of future patch corrections.
Come to think of it all, the Galaxy S22 and the “freestyle” are the biggest non-gold and first-timers in this situation. Courses and recollections of stories, infatuation, which is an indication of an annoyance, when GeekBench announces the decision decisions from the portal OnePlus 9 e OnePlus 9 Pro.