Apparently some of the camera collaborations of the past few years will end soon.
It has become more common in recent years and has been a real trend for some time. Smartphone manufacturers collaborate with well-known brands in the camera world. Zeiss, Hasselblad and Leica have participated in recent years.
Zeiss was previously with Nokia, now with Vivo. Leica first to Huawei, then to Xiaomi. Hasselblad first at Motorola and more recently at Oppo and OnePlus. Some of the current collaborations no longer seem to be alive. heard Especially from the inner circle.
Hasselblad and Oppo/OnePlus are said to be going their separate ways, and Vivo is also likely to part ways with Zeiss. Own brand visually designed. Huawei has been trying to establish Xmage since its split from Leica. Oppo, Vivo and OnePlus should follow this example.
The influence of camera companies is controversial anyway. At least with the Xiaomi-Leica collaboration said camera company should have a significant impact. Market leaders and front-runners Google, Samsung and Apple show that this isn’t absolutely necessary.
I think it makes more sense that good cameras are directly linked to the smartphone brand. This is the case with the Google Pixel, for example, and can very well be observed with Apple as well. On the other hand, the collaboration served a marketing purpose, and that’s understandable.
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