Instagram is constantly evolving: how will the algorithm change and what should our posts look like to get more visibility?
For the past few years Instagram has become the most powerful and used social media In the world, despite the recent explosion of Tik-Tok, its dominance has been questioned. To be able to compete at the level of Chinese apps – adored by millions of teenagers around the world – Instagram has given more space to videos, Which now gets a lot more visibility, therefore a lot more interaction and a lot more success than a photographic post.
For a long time though Many content creators are protesting Against the Instagram algorithm, which saw a Dramatic deterioration of organic vision This is what the post means Fewer and fewer people see published posts They follow regularly from Instagram profiles. For this reason Many creators are publishing more or less on IG, Spreading the idea that Instagram will soon face a rapid decline.
However, the founder of IG has made statements that open up a whole new perspective for professional content creators, Reveals how social algorithms are changing And which factors will be given greater visibility in the future
The new key to success on IG: Shares become fundamental
As he explained Adam MosseriHead of Instagram for years, Algorithms will give more importance to sharing frequency A post about which spread on social media. As we know very well Once common factor Reactions and comments determine the success of an Instagram post. However, Instagram developers need to understand that the emotions that drive people to comment on a post are mostly strong emotions that they often feel they have no control over. Among these emotions, fear and anger certainly predominate, rarely enthusiasm and joy.

These are always polarizing emotions, which trigger statesTemperament and reactions are very difficult to control And that leaves us feeling “slaved” to a feeling rather than consciously feeling it. However, the situation is very different Sharing content via DM, ie via private message. Usually we only write personal messages to people who are really close to us, with whom we have built the most authentic relationship. Most of the times we share content that we find enjoyable, entertaining or even a source of inspiration.
We do this because we like to spread positive emotions and this, in addition to improving the mood of the people we send content to, also improves our public image. After making this assessment, Instagram management has decided that content gets more shares through private messages with greater visibility. It’s no coincidence that for some time a counter of shares via DM has been visible right below each post.