A new app is officially live, for children with childhood cancer to be able to understand the disease and orient themselves in something that is certainly scary but must be managed.
If for an adult Diagnosis And Management The consequences of the disease are not easy at all, everything is more difficult for a child. The family not only has to accept the news, but somehow explain to the little one why he has to fight the difficult situation.
For this reason, many campaigns have been activated over time support And in Italian hospital wards people work hard to deal with everything that is not directly related to the disease but in any case is connected to it and embraces the psychological and social aspects.
The app helps kids manage childhood cancer
Department of Pediatric Oncology of the Infirm Hospital of Rimini Officially launched a new app, a system that will help young children understand the disease, with all the details, treatment paths and updates. Families will also use it to best support young patients, both emotionally and from a practical perspective.
The name is the mascot and its abbreviation Medical app to support oncohematological care and therapy and was born in collaboration with Romagna Hospital in Rimini, led by Dr. Roberta Pericoli. The application has a cartoon name learned Who explains to patients what it means to be sick, what needs to be done to heal, how diagnostic tests, operating rooms, chemotherapy work. All elements that allow patients to actually understand what they are talking about, what will happen and what they will have to face.
Information, even for the little ones, proves to be basic. It could be one Very useful tool In this sense knowing the cause also helps calm anxiety and worry and panic in very young patients. The concept comes from psychologists Samantha Nucci and by the team that cares for patients in its operating units. In various interviews, the doctor explained how much of a difference it can make for a child to be aware of what is happening to him, it allows him to manage everything better, but also for the family and those who work with care. It is a policy of comprehensive support that covers many areas.
The application was developed by Al4 health With its financial contribution Rotary Club Riccione-Cattolica. Communication again plays a fundamental role, the key being understanding how best to convey such information. If it is usually difficult for an adult to understand what they are going through when diagnosed with cancer, it is easy to imagine what it would be like for a child facing a similar situation to find themselves in the hospital.