Purchasing a specific specification, it is possible to control the state of the batteries of the AirTag attracts all the passages of the app Dov’è
Gli AirTag sono stati svelati per la prima volta lo scorso anno on occasion dell’vento stampa di presentazione degli attuali iPad Pro and iMac M1. The American story – that the prophet nelle scorse ore ha relasciato un important aggiornamento – Ideally this little tracker will be mercurial for ten thousand tragic deals with personal, all-encompassing potential of the proprietary ecosystem Dov’è, probably more than just an abbreviated offer of an elegant gift. pansati e sviluppati dalla stessa casa americana.
Questi accessory Apple economici There was an annoying militia with mercato, and he wanted a refreshing present. official support pagesecond of which batterie degli AirTag Dovrebbero durare circa un anno and che l’autonomia dei tracker varia ovviamente at base all’ utilizzo, chimando appunto in causa degli elementi squisitamente personi. Second Apple, infatuation, the autonomy depends on the factories that utilize it, the ambiguous conditions, the caratteristic medium of the battery system and the other factories. How do we control the caricature residue and keep it when the unitary system?
These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use AirTagwho are the ones who have decided to acquire these? accessory Apple economici There was a lot of mercato and what could possibly be an annoying AirTag. Fortunately, there is no need for a mod AirTag controls the batterybut a sommaria indicator – parallel to all the portals – that can communicate the information transmitted by the proprietary smartphone and the Dov’è application.
In order to control how to control the AirTag battery, we need to consider the orientation of the information that Apple does not provide specific non-specific data (how to reduce the caricature residue) without caricature residue. Tanto basta comunque per farsi una idea sullo stato della batteria di AirTag and compare when this dovrà essere sostituita.
Control the battery from the AirTag: come to the app Dov’è
First come, first served iPhone e sbloccatelo se avete già impostato un reconoscimento (Touch ID o Face ID, a second de dispositive). Cercate l ‘app Dov’è and click on the icon for avviarla. Una volta entrati nella schermata principale, toccate sulla voce ”Elementi”That trout in basso nella riga inferior and selection gli AirTag Che avete abbinato al vostro iPhone. We need to get the scarecrow, traverse and retrieve the accessory to any other icon in the form of batteries.
You know when the batter is scar ormai scarica, licona and colorerà di rosso ePhone notified that è arrivato the moment Change the battery of AirTag.