Rumors about the imminent arrival of the “community” function on WhatsApp have been rife on the web for weeks. Then, suddenly, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed the twist he announced himself: Communities, but on Messenger. At least for now. Let’s know the details.
Right now, “communities“from meta They are distributed all over the world. But not on WhatsAppMany places on the web announced weeks ago, but the messenger. And it was the same Mark Zuckerberg To confirm this, consider that Meta’s flagship product is Facebook.
The ad is caught surprise Many observers and users who were waiting for the activation of the new function in WhatsApp, but the move of Meta will definitely not lead. misunderstanding: Meta will also have the most popular messaging app community, but Later on and with different usage features than Messenger.
And apart from the different functionality, practicality and usage between the two platforms, what will differentiate them also has to do with the parameters safety and size Confidentiality. Let’s see why.
Main difference between Messenger and WhatsApp community
The main feature of communities on Messenger is that they will exist Public in whole or in part. They can only derive from group Facebook already exists and will only be created by administrator of the party
And if the party is public, so will the community automatically And so anyone can go back Content It is important to emphasize that community, They will not be protected by end-to-end encryption. And this also applies to communities created for groups personal.
Furthermore Meta declared that, even if a user who participated in the conversation within the community Abandon themIt will have published content visible To the rest of the participants and will be able to collect meta and Archive Any information published in them. On WhatsApp, however, if the progress of the past few weeks is to be confirmed, it will be “a whole other story”, with cryptography e Confidentiality sure to the highest degree possible.