The New CORE SWX Helix Max Series is what CORE SWX is calling the most complete on-board battery system ever offered to the cinematic industry. The system encompasses all the features of Hypercore NEO, with the added function of dual 14v / 28v simultaneous voltage output, now with an even more robust maximum output of 20A (10A at 28.8v HV).
Using proprietary patented technology, Helix is ultra-efficient, providing nearly lossless power transmission at a 99% efficiency rate to high voltage operating equipment. Helix’s unique design allows it to output up to 33.6v, within the top range of high voltage acceptance, thus drawing less current, creating less heat, and extending both operational runtime and product longevity.

The Helix Max batteries are available in 98wh and 147wh capacities in all three mount styles – B-mount, V-mount, and 3-Stud.
To accompany the new B-mount batteries, CORE SWX now offers the new Mach4 Charger, X2 Mini chargerand shark-fin hotswap plate all in B-mount now as well.
The newly released Mach4 Charger (MACH-4B) is a simultaneous 4A charger that can charge four 98wh packs in about 90 minutes, and the X2 Mini (GPM-X2B) is CORE SWX’s most compact charger, perfect for travel. The X2 Mini can charge a single battery at a 3A rate or two batteries simultaneously at 1.5A.

The shark-fin (HLX-TB-SFF) is the newest mount addition to their popular shark-fin adapter series to allow users to hotswap their battery packs for continuous power without shutting down.
- Helix Max 98 $ 599.00
- Helix Max 150 $ 749.00
- MACH-Q4B Charger 1,149.00
- GPM-X2B Travel Charger 275
- HLX-TB-SFF hotswap / sharkfin plate $ 399.00