According to Bloomberg, there are still issues for Apple Pay and the Apple Store. In the United States, a heavy allegation has been made for a $1 billion monopoly
Not the best time for Apple from a historical perspective. Between diatribes on epic games and various issues apple pay, Cupertino needs to understand if company policies are sound or need to be changed in a significant way. except Violation of rules which is already pre-established.
According to Bloomberg, two US law firms Hagens Berman and Sperling & Slater made the decision Bring a class action Officially it looks like the Cupertino OEM is at least making money right now $1 billion a year. How? Adopts practices harmful to competition.
Apple Pay, here’s what the company is at risk after the class action
More specifically, Apple is accused of obstructing competitors Access to NFC technology which is integrated into the iPhone. Actually, there is only one possible solution: use Apple Pay. As of today, policies provide for 0.15% for credit cards and half a percent for debit cards. And that’s why the class action was initiated, with the goal of breaking a monopoly that it was enforcing. Cupertino OEM.
dislike AndroidIn addition to where more wallets are available Google Pay. just think samsung pay, Equally effective through NFC technology. By law, Apple defends itself by saying it won’t be able to keep its commission If it unlocks the iPhone in another wallet. However, this behavior would violate the Sherman Act. Class actions are part of a larger picture of tensions and various discussions about how the company is doing. All fronts will definitely be resolved in the next few years. We’ll see what happens If it could end.