The story on YouTube Vanced è giunta alla fine. Alternative application without publicity, not much more than support from the other side
The motors are still there YouTube può andare avanti sono le publicly. Prima che part a qualsiasi video, vengono insiriti dei “pre-roll” with introiti vanno ad interessare tanto il creator quanto l’azienda stessa.
From 2018, there is an alternative client chiamato YouTube Vanced e offer off the service of senza advertising. O meglio, esisteva. Stands up to how much anonymous is on the phone, infatuated, like the app on Android smetterà di funzionare. Simply put, there is a lot of content for users, that spreads the software over the premium functionality like a video a schermo spent and in Picture-in-Picture.
YouTube Vanced chiude per semper, ecco i motivi
Vanced has been discontinued. In the coming days, the download links on the website will be taken down. We know this is not something you wanted to hear but it’s something we need to do. Thank you all for supporting us over the years.
– Vanced Official (TVYTVanced) March 13, 2022
Il lancio è avtonto nel lontano 2018 e, di anno in anno, YouTube Vanced ha ricevuto un numero semper maggiore di riscontri. If you want an app for Android practically perfect, with the functionality of YouTube normalization (and even premium) but very public. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! Stand up to what you want, you know what diet is all about Legal motivations.
Dando per assodato che Google If this is not the case then maybe YouTube is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Al momento i link per i download It is not possible to find, but it is important to ask the first question that is not useful.
We have specified that the application will continue to function per chi la ha già scaricata, but not to mention that Google and its content also make sense for interrupting definitively the service. This is because of the support of the software house, even the most intuitive users have eliminated the service and tore down all the traditional YouTube apps. A menu that does not require scribbles YouTube Premiumwith an object It costs 11,99 euros per month and offer functional mediums.