Bungie has posted a message on Twitter to Svelare che Destiny 2: La regina dei sussurri stato prenotato da più di one million giocators and for the sake of all who want to continue to support his gioco with tanto ardore.
“Destiny thanks to a million giocators of Destiny who preceded Destiny 2: The Regina of Sussurri.
With this incredible support, it was to give the suspension of Destiny 2 much preceded by ever. We saw the 22.2.22, Guardiani!“
Come avete potuto leggere, Bungie Accompanied by officials to record even the data from Destiny 2: The Regiment of Sussurri, this is the process of February 22, all of its platforms: PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4, PS5 and Stadia.
From the news of the day prenotazioni record In Destiny 2: The Region of Sussurri arrives following the announcement of the acquisition of the company part of Sony, which will support you with a great deal of data to keep up with the successes of Anne.