Childhood video games come to smartphones: With this special approach you can play Pokémon, Super Mario and other Nintendo titles.
In recent times, video games is developing more related to world smartphones: These devices, in reality, have never been considered as a gaming platform because the maximum video related to cell phone is offered by mobile games that are sufficient applications with a very precise function; However, in recent times, thanks to the growth of smartphones from the hardware point of view, video games are growing in these systems growing.
Those smartphones are with the appropriately extended performances to encourage the use of video games outside of specially made devices for gaming Cell phones in common use are not just ordinary games, but also hosting mobile versions of video games Also in other consoles, such as Jenshin Impact, Chinese giant Mihoio, PUBG Mobile, Resident Avil, The Elder Scrolls or Pokémon Go have been sold by his development home.
In addition to these games listed, there is a way to play with titles on your smartphone that is not specifically designed to play on mobile devices, but which belong to the past console; For example in the past few days A procedure to play with your smartphone in the most famous title of born on Nintendo DS has been perfectJapanese company’s best -sales console: You can also do it on a few simple steps and it’s completely free.
How to play Nintendo DS Title on Smartphone: Following steps here
As mentioned, the Nintendo DS is a console that has sold the second best -best console in the history of these hardware products, as well as the second best -selling console: this is why many people played at the masterpiece of the past at least once in the past, which had been in the market for 25 to 25; Rigioca with old childhood and adolescent title Pokémon Diamond, Perala and Platinum; New Super Mario Bros.; Series Professor Letton, DS of Mario Map, Nintendogs And many others are really an indescribable emotion.

The best way to do this is to download the Mulnds Emulator Smartphones are specially designed that have recently been updated with new features that allow you to increase the quality of games including retro graphics and a special support for the folding device that allows you to mimic the double screen of Nintendo DS; Applied to the question now It can be downloaded via Google Play Store And it is exclusive to Android smartphones.