In the eighth episode of “Newsshooter Weekly“, Matt Allard ACS (along with host & moderator Jem Schofield of theC47), chat about this week’s new equipment that has been released and then jump into Matt’s approach to filmmaking – It will be an informal conversation about planning and shooting documentary and documentary-style projects.
Matt will be showing some work examples while also highlighting techniques and lessons he has learnt over the years.
Time converter at
Newsshooter weekly is a weekly live stream that covers new products, equipment, and discussions about both the tech and craft sides of video & film production.
We also answer questions from the chat so try to make the live show, if possible!
If you have any questions that you would like answered after you watch the episode just leave them in the comments section below and we will try and answer them.
If you have any suggestions or thoughts on what you would like us to talk about in future episodes also let us know.