Elon Musk is the first to sign up for his “fantasy” for Twitter inquiries. A shocking news from around the world on the Internet that rere ric ric ric ric ricco propes es Space Tesla and SpaceX ntntnt a mangi mang i
The story, for which no foss has been updated, is this: Elon Musk si è comprato, nei giorni scorsi, il 9% di Twitter. The CEO said Tesla e SpaceX Awareness of the need to enter the far side of the social administration consulate. The motivation? Sarebbe pronta una nuwa, anzi, “Migratory and definiteOffer to tweet from the social network. Ebbene Elon Musk Really agree 100% of the socialvalutando la società ben 43.4 billion dollars.
“My offer is the best and ultimate and there will be no reconciliation with my position as an agent. He invested in Twitter because he believed in his potential platform to offer parole freedom to everyone in the world, and believed that parole freedom was a social imperative for a functional democracy. However, when it comes down to my investment, I find that I don’t have the prospect of serving this impressive socialite in its own form. Twitter has been transformed into a privacy community“.
Twitter: More than 40 billion dollars for inquiries

The parole di Elon Musk not lasciano spazio dubbi o speculation: il sudafricano fa sul serio ed è pronto a mettere sul piatto diverse Decide on miliardi Dollars for the proprietary social network. Dopo l’equisition of a 9% acceptance, which seems to have communicated the rulolo di magician azionistagiunge ora l’offerta faraonica che vedrebbe Musk like a proprietary Twitter account.
The deposit offer from the acquisition is not available until the press release Securities and Exchange Commission degli USA. Nel contempo l’effetto Musk ha fatto schizzare il valore del azioni Twitter del 13%As for the Tesla, the contrario, it is scissor dell of 1,5% in the case of “distortions”.