from Elon Musk took control Twitter, many misfortunes have happened to users who achieved account verification based on their own merits and not for payment. But they are not the only ones affected, as many employees were laid off before the takeover, but apparently, the wave is over according to the controversial businessman.
The character confirmed that he will start hiring new people, apparently to replace the jobs of those who decided to leave due to planning. Twitter 2.0 though it should be noted that the most requests are from the engineering side, which means changes to the page. Although sales area experts are also being included.
Information such as mass media has been added to this edge That indicated communication access Elon Musk You want all employees to send weekly updates about their work via email.
It should contain the following data as revealed by the source:
Weekly updates, name, category and date. The email should include what project they are working on, “code samples” if relevant or job summaries for non-technical tasks, and what they are trying to achieve.
Also, the hiring of the positions you are applying for is included musk:
In terms of critical hiring, I’d say people who are good at writing software are top priority.
Now the information needs to be released in a more official way.
Through: edge
Editor’s note: Looks like we’ll have to wait for Twitter to become a more stable platform with events like this. Changes have already begun, but that great differentiator is still present.