Elon Musk also commented on Twitter’s decision to ban Trump from the social network, during the event-conference “Future of the Car” organized by the Financial Times Tesla renders the biggest automotive product in the world by 2030.
Elon Muskthe new CEO of TwitterThis is exactly the style of governing the country that he has used in Russia.morally sbagliata e totalmente stupida”.
To the best of my knowledge, the discussion on Musk results in a vera and propria.reabilitazione”Dell’ex Presidente e dovrebbe comportare, come Promise da Musk stesso, la Divide by Remote e dunque la riattivazione del suo account.
When? Most likely, not the operation of the acquisition of Twitter part of the pattern Tesla e SpaceX – Valuation of 44 billion dollars – the most definitive result, predebilment entro il 2022.
The purchase of the permanent account of Trump’s account on Twitter
The official communications from Trump’s account of Trump, made publicotto Gennaio dello scorso anno in society, even with expressions of motivation allarme Rigardo al rischio di “ulteriori incitamenti alla violenza“Suspecti, second on the board of Allora, the number of tweets from the president in caricature (Donald Trump arrived after the presidential mandate of the 12-year-old communicator, 20 January 2021).
In particles, il tweet Trump said as he read the article: “I have 75,000,000 great American patriots who have voted for me, America First, and Make America Great AGAIN, now we have a VOCE GIGANTE in the future. We don’t really care about treating or modifying in any way !!! “.
Considerate le preoccupanti tensioni sociali Differences in which period negli states and suffocation after grave incident occurso a Capitol Ill The occupation and devastation of the part of the number of Trump assistants – only due to the first respect to the tweet incriminatingly –glorification of delinquency”, Which should be able to inspire others sommosseand there will be a permanent change in the account of the President.
Ora la “musica”, with the new acquisition of Musk part, sembra davvero cambiata radicalmente. Almano, for how much we have lost, then we will get rid of all politics ”Glorification of the Violence”, That we will see which modification does not apply to the new proprietary verification definitively.