Emotet takedown – Europol attacks “world’s most dangerous malware”

Not long ago, we wrote on Naked Security about a new-kid-on-the-block malware service called Buer Loader.


The easiest way to explain what the Buer Loader gang were up to was simply to say, “Buer Loader is basically a new competitor to Emotet.

If you’ve followed the history of malware in recent years, you will definitely have heard of Emotet, and you’ll have a very good idea of what happens next to Emotet victims if the malware breaches their defences.

That’s because “what happens next” could be anything – pretty much anything at all off the cybercrime menu – because Emotet is what’s known as a bot or zombie.

A bot is malware that regularly and quietly calls home to one or more command-and-control servers operated by the crooks, and fetches instructions on what to do next. (You’ll often see the term “command-and-control” abbreviated to C&C or just C2.)

Some botherders – the jargon name given to the crooks in charge of a network of zombies, known colloquially as a botnet – use the zombie computers that they control for their own immediate criminal purposes.

Botnet-triggered criminality includes: sending mass spam deliveries ; launching distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against companies or service providers; perpetrating click fraud involving millions of legitimate-looking ad clicks; and much more.