Remove the screen from the chat altru without the most consent. The next question: The question in question is that you are still far away. Mark Zuckerberg recently shared a post about a brew on Facebook by Coloro Sono solito screenshot the popular chat social network.
The colony’s consistency, available in over 100 languages ​​with which due to miliardi and mezzo de attivi mensilmente, has made an important progression, but also with an avant-garde. The gigante of the technology invading the popular chat app when your privacy can be reached without compromising.
È Scott in Campo Directly by Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Meta, attracts a post from his profile: a new arrival arrives to send incoming messages and scoops. An important note: if you send a message automatically, you will see a destinator acquiring a screen. This is because of the fact that the destinator has a copy of the memorization of the message, which helps him to cancel the original test.
A new update for Messenger crittografate end-to-end chat
Av An avartimento that segna a punto di svolta nella sicurezza di Facebook e dei suoi derivati, che potrebbe elimin, o rendere una rarità , i cosiddetti seriali degli screen. The most important attenuation is that even when sending a message: in case of contradiction, the message that the conversation might contain a false sense of security.
“A new update for Messenger crittografate end-to-end chat”. Mark Zuckerberg, orbiter, directs his profile: “Some rice has a nocturnal catcher with a screenshot of a message that scoops – post the CEO of Meta – we’re promoting GIFs, add-ons and receptive chats” .
This message is a compliment to an online mod for protection. But how about the latest on Facebook: if you try to get a screenshot of a message, the value will be revealed è effectively a good idea. I could feel a wonderful way to express my feelings, and I was attracted to a conversion in real life.
To get the latest functionality, in order to first get the latest version of Facebook updated: now you can control the App Store on iPhone or the Google Play Store on Android. The Madre Society has recently added Message to Scoopers WhatsApp. In some conversations, there is a case in which the child with whom he is messaging esegua a screenshot of the page, which is a notice that appears to be about the “spindo”.
The conversation about this message is a practice in the past, which is likely to happen sooner rather than later, but will allow the other person to follow the conversations, in the practice of preserving them. The test of notifications that arrived very simply and directly: the name of the child who was screened. Parola di Mark Zuckerberg.