iPhone 12 emits 5.74 W/kg, the maximum allowed is 4 W/kg.
France has removed the iPhone 12 because it emits too strong radiation waves. Its specific energy absorption rate (SAR) is 5.74 W/kg, while the maximum allowed is 4 W/kg. At the moment it can still be purchased in Spain, although OCU has already requested that it be removed from stores. Knowing how much radiation your cell phone emits is important, so we’re going to teach you how to find out, though, first, what is SAR?
SAR measures the absorption of radiation by the human body
SAR, which stands for (Specific Absorption Rate) Measures the speed at which a human body absorbs energy from electromagnetic radiation. Its value is watts per kilogram. Measurements are approximate, as they aren’t fixed, though what’s not normal is an iPhone 12-like rise.
That said, don’t worry, your cell phone won’t give you a tumor, even if you sleep with it every day, at least because of SARs. SAR levels must be very high to cause direct diseaseIts radiation is non-ionizing, much less dangerous than ionizing.
How to measure the SAR of a mobile phone
All cell phones and electronic devices emit a certain amount of SAR. You can find out how much SAR your mobile phone as well as a television or monitor emits from the BfS (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz) website., which despite having a German name, is available in English. Do not use applications for this task, it is better to consult the website of the organization dedicated to wave control. We will tell you how it works step by step, it is very simple.
The first thing is Enter the link at the top of this paragraph. Once inside, you can continue in German, but it’s also possible to choose English by tapping on the word “English” in the upper right corner. It doesn’t matter in which language you continue, just Enter your device model in the bar where SAR Search is written (in English). You can enter your complete model or just the brand and see the SAR of different models. You can do this with other electronic devices as well.

You can search your mobile model, its brand or apply filter
A table below will show the models or the model you are looking for After that, 2 measurements will be displayed, the first (SAR-Wert (am Ohr)) indicates the SAR when you hold the mobile next to your ear, while the second (SAR-Wert (am Körper)) indicates the SAR with the body. Mobile next to the body, especially at 5 mm. Rarely will a SAR exceed 1.5 W/kg, so 5.74 W/kg is much higher than normal, in fact, the highest emitters are not even close to that figure. Nevertheless, if you use an iPhone 12 or have used one, don’t worry, you won’t have anything to use, it has to be more than 2 digits to do so.