Tell Gamers’ language! Discover the meaning of short words and conditions the most used in the world of video games. Improve your experience and game communication
If you’ve ever lost yourself in a game chat, understandable short words and terms and conditions are ever felt then do not worry: You’re not alone! World Gaming Have its own Specific languageA real Jerk Short words, briefs, and technical terms that are created that can distract Neophites (and sometimes even the most experienced players!).
This article is your full guide Gamers call the jargonThe You are a player Singular player A tutorial, or shaking with a fan direction Multiplayer Who wants to understand what your teammates are saying, here you will find the answer to your question.
Gaming jargon: a necessary vocabulary
Here’s a list 55 Termini (I added something to the original 50) and the basic short words to orient in the world of video games:
- AAA (Triple-A): A high budget and a video game with large production studies, e.g. Duty call, Grand Theft Auto O LegendThe
- Ad (attack loss): Damage damaged by basic physical attacks in the MOBA Games (e.g. Legendary league) And something in RPG.
- Ads (sights below target): Notice using a weapon viewfinder in the first -percember shooter (FPS).
- AFK (away from the keyboard): “Far away from the keyboard”. Indicates the missing player at the moment.
- Agro: The attention or aggression of enemies controlled by the AI of a game. The meaning of “taking crowds” means becoming the main goal.
- AOE (field of effect): A power that affects a particular region, at the same time damages more enemies.
- Restriction: Excluding the player from a game or server, often because of the wrong behavior.
- Beta: A trial version of a game published before the official launch to collect feedback and identify bugs.
- BM (bad behavior): Anti -sparks or toxic behavior at risk or chat.
- Bots: Characters controlled by artificial intelligence (IA).
- Buff: Temporary or permanent enhancement of any character or object statistics or skills. (Also see Nerf)
- Bug: A programming error that causes unexpected behavior in the game.
- Camping: Sulat at a convenient point on the map, waiting for the enemies to pass. The strategy is often criticized.
- To carry: A character or player who “can draw the team to victory for his higher performance.
- Casting (O Channeling): The time required to turn on a power or spelling (if you are damaged if you are damaged).
- Cheese: A strategy considered as wrong, imbalanced or excessively easy to perform.
- Cheat/Hacker: Players who use strategies or external programs to get illegal benefits.
- Bred/Gilda: An organized team of players.
- Coldown (CD): While waiting before being able to re -use any power or any function.
- Craftsmans: Make objects, weapons or equipment using the resources collected in the game.
- Critic (critical hit): A critical injury, which causes more damage than a general attack.
- DLC (downloadable content): Additional
- DPS (damage per second): Damage has been damaged on the second side.
- Easter Egg: Referring to hidden elements or other games, elements of film or pop culture.
- Sports: Professional
- XP/XP (Experience Point): Experience points, will go to the level.
- F2 P (Free-to-Play): A free game, often with AL choshic microtraction.
- Farming: Repeat any verb or a specific field in the accumulation of resources, experiences or objects.
- Feed/Feeder: A player who has repeatedly died with the benefit of the opposition.
- FPS (first person shooter): The first shooter.
- Fragment: Kill an enemy.
- Gankings: Often the superiority of the number connects the enemy of surprise.
- GG (good game): “Great Game”, used as a sign of sports as the end of the game.
- GL HF (good luck, make fun): “Best of luck, make fun”, greetings at the beginning of a game.
- Glich: A bug or programming error in a game.
- Grinding: Repeat verbs to get resources, experiences or objects.
- HP (Health Point/Hit Point): The point of life of a character.
- HUD (Head-up Display): The game interface shows useful information (health, ammunition, map, etc.).
- IA (artificial intelligence): The system that regulates non -pling characters (NPC).
- Indi: A game developed by a small independent team, often with limited budget but with the original ideas.
- Zook: Erlud/overdue the opponent with the movement.
- Kitting: Attract an enemy (often a monster) attacks it without having to influence it.
- Lag: The delay in communication between the player and the server, which causes the game’s fluidity problem.
- Loot: The objects, equipment or resources obtained by defeating enemies or opening the chest.
- Mashing: Press the button repeatedly and quickly.
- Meta: The strategies and characters are considered to be more effective at a certain moment of the game.
- MMORPG (widely multiplayer online roll-pole game): Online role with a large number of players -Play Games.
- Mode (change): Changes in games created by users.
- Narf: A character, power or reduces the strength of an object (the opposite of the “buff”.
- Nub: Inexperienced player (often used in abusive ways).
- Nook: A power or attack with very high damage, capable of rapid elimination of one or more enemies.
- NPC (Non-Chard character): Non -Praying character, controlled by AI.
- Ohko (one hits knock out): Eliminate the opponent with a single push.
- OP (excessively powerful): Very strong, imbalanced.
- Open World: A game with freely exploited world without restrictions on the way.
- Patch: An update of the game that solves bugs, adds content or changes the balance.
- Peel: Protect the friend by removing the enemies.
- Ping: Reacts between your device and game server (lower, better).
- Porting: Adaptation to one game from one platform to another (eg from PC to console).
- PVE (Player vs. Environment): Players in Game mode face the enemies controlled by AI.
- PVP (Player vs. Player): Game modes where players challenge each other.
- Pwned: Be defeated in an abusive way.
- QTE (Quick period event): Game sequences so that the player must quickly press the keys to overcome any obstacles or to perform an action.
- Rezquits: Abandon a game for disappointment.
- Remaster/Remake: An updated version of an old game with advanced graphics (remaster) or fully re -(remake).
- Responsion: Come back to a character’s life after being defeated.
- RNG (random number generator): Random number generators, which determine the results of random events in the game.
- RPG (Roll-Praying Game): The role of the role.
- Sandbox: A game that provides great freedom and interaction of action with the environment.
- Scrub: The player is considered as rare or who complains of who is extra.
- The skin: Aesthetic aspects of a character or an object.
- Smurf: Expert player who creates a new account to play against the less experienced opponents.
- Snowball: The effect of “snowfall”, therefore a primary advantage increases significantly.
- Speedroon: Attempt to complete a game (or a part of it) in the shortest time.
- Tank: Character with high resistance, designed to do damage instead of allies.
- TTT (during murder): Need time to kill an opponent.
- Alti/Ultimate: Special skills and stronger than a character.
- Wlup (played well): “Played well”, praise.
- Zoning: Check a area of maps by preventing coming to opponents.
Mondo FPS – Sellerry.It -
Terms specified by gender:
- FPS (first person shooter):
- Headshot: Buck on the head.
- Kilstrake: Series of series of murder.
- No scope: Killing with an accurate rifle without using the viewfinder.
- Camper: See “camping” in the article.
- Straph: Move
- Bani hopping: Jump repeatedly to go fast (in some games).
- Restore: Weapon
- MOBA (Multiplayer Online War):
- Lane: The verb in the lanes that occur.
- Jungle: In the middle of the lane, living with neutral monsters.
- Gank: View “ganking” in the article.
- To carry: See “carry” in the article.
- Support: A character that helps allies (taking care of them, raising them, etc.).
- Last hit: Give a Mine or a monster to the coup de grace to get gold.
- Junger: Jungle
- Build: Set of objects and tools that improve an character statistics
- RPG (Roll-Praying Game):
- Search: Missions or assignments will be completed.
- Skill Tree: A skill tree that allows you to increase the character.
- Statistics: Character statistics (energy, skill, intellect, etc.).
- Loot: See above.
- Expedition: A particularly claiming group activities, which require adjustment and techniques.
- Durban: Zones of a closed game, usually including enemies and treasures.
- Classes: The style of the character’s specialization and the style of fighting.
- Drop: See the loot
- Strategic/Manage:
- Build Order: A specific sequence of activity at the beginning of the game.
- Micro/macro: Manage individual units (micro) or economy and production (macro).
- Rs An offensive technique that noticed that the opponent was overwhelmed at the early stages of the game.
- Technology-tree: Civilization
Terms related to hardware and performance:
- Frame Rate (FPS): The number of frames displayed in the second, the liquid index of the game.
- Lag: See above.
- Ping: See above.
- GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): Video card.
- CPU (Central Processing Unit): Processor.
- Ray Tracing: An advanced rendering technique that imitates the realistic behavior of light.
- VR (virtual reality): Virtual reality.
- AR (extended reality): Extended reality.
Terms related to community and online language:
- FPS (first person shooter):
There is a gaming language, learn to say it!
This dictionary is just an initial point. The gaming world is constantly developed and new terms and summaries are constantly born. However, they know Basic termsYou will be able to To understand better Online discussions, strategic guides and in-game communications, improve your interaction with your gaming experience and community.