We live a world where Tik Tok video trends and variations on the ice-bucket challenge have become synonymous with our hourly check-ins on social feeds. So it’s easy to forget some of the earliest internet viral campaigns, that made profound waves, particularly those which spoke to LGBTQ people.
Ten years ago, Dan Savage and Terry Miller posted a video with the title ‘It Gets Better.’ It lighted the fire of a campaign, which has since travelled across queer internet, and into the mainstream – making it as far as the White House.
It Gets Better is now an international organisation, but their message remains simple, it’s aimed at telling young LGBTQ kids, there is hope for your future.
Canadian YouTube star Gigi Gorgeous was one of the stars of the first wave of the campaign, which saw influencers, celebrities and politicians record messages.
As the campaign looks back on its ten year anniversary, Gigi Gorgeous watched back her ‘It Gets Better’ video and she tells me, she stands by everything she said. Reflecting on it now, she had no idea of the impact it would have, as she said those words, sat on the floor at her parent’s house:
“It was a trend to make those videos, one of those things to do,” Gorgeous tells me. “But it was a light at the end of the tunnel that resonated with me because I wasn’t truly happy with myself.”
Gorgeous filmed the video before transitioning and has since gone on to become not only a global YouTube star but an incredible transgender role model.
“I wanted to put that message out there because you never know who needs it. I still speak to so many people who are struggling with home, life and work.”
And it was a simple message, one that within the LGBTQ community, is sometimes now seen as a cliche. But that in itself is perhaps one of the greatest victories of the campaign.
The campaign with a humble beginning, that went on to reach millions
“No one involved with the original campaign expected it to go viral,” Brian Wenke, Executive Director of It Gets Better tells me.
“With the luxury of hindsight, the campaign worked because we had the right messenger, the right message, the right means of distribution, and the timing was impeccable. But no one was thinking about those things. They just had the shared goal of uplifting and empowering young LGBTQ+ people who may be having a rough time.”
Indeed, Gorgeous did her video after seeing the now-international pop star, but then YouTuber, Troye Sivan, recording one for his channel:
“What was so touching about the videos, was that everyone recording them, we all shared the same values. For Troye, we were on opposite sides of the world, he’s not trans, or a girl, not growing up in Canada. But, Troye doing that, was so powerful, it made me think about how we’re all human. It was a ‘click’ moment.”
The campaign would go on to see LGBTQ stars, and international allies – from President Obama to Sia, record a message aimed at giving LGBTQ young people hope.
Since then, the campaign has gone on to launch a Global Affiliate Network spanning 17 countries across 4 continents. In its ten year history 70,000 people have recorded an ‘It Gets Better’ video with tens of millions of people seeing the stories.
The organisation have become pioneers in LGBTQ content creation, winning Emmy’s for their work, including with MTV. But, crucially, they were also behind some of the earlier, and more infamous rainbow branded content campaigns.
The It Gets Better campaign helped set the stage for international brands, to say ‘gay rights’
Now the LGBTQ community looks to corporates to do more than ‘stick a rainbow on it.’ As well as create awareness of queer lives, the community expects brands to support the community with funding and corporate responsibility all year round.
But in 2015, when Pepsico launched their Rainbow Doritos, it was a watershed moment that opened the door to partnerships the world over, as a huge multinational brand said ‘gay rights.’
“The rainbow chips were Ranch-flavored! I have never actually tasted them but I hear they were delicious!” Wenke says as he dares not open the one bag left in the office they’ve kept as a memento. “I am not brave enough to taste test a 5-year old chip anyway.”
“It was considered to be Pepsico’s most successful marketing effort generating over a billion impressions in a relatively short amount of time.”
The success of the campaign, was an early indicator of what brands can achieve by backing equality. The revenue they bring in continues to speak volumes and remains a huge reason that so many brands are sure to have a rainbow product ready for Pride Month in June.
“Since that first campaign, we have worked with dozens of brands with values that align with ours. The impact these partnerships have on our work is in many ways immeasurable. They have helped to anchor LGBTQ issues in mainstream media, and as such, have ensured the It Gets Better message of hope retains its relevance and value for today’s youth and for the generations to come.”
Gigi Gorgeous reacts to her 10 year old video, which she filmed before transitioning
Ten years on, Gigi Gorgeous’ message has not changed. Though, it speaks volumes that she can deliver that message, having come out as trans.
Gorgeous is herself, is a living example of her video that it does get better. But just as the campaign changed narratives at a crucial time about sexuality, as the organisation celebrates ten years, at a pivotal time for transgender people.
“There are parallels, its crazy, ten years is so long,” Gorgeous says. “But at the same time conversations about coming out, the toll on our mental health, the humongous topic around gender identity –don’t even get me started on gender reveal videos.”
“It’s so crazy we’re still doing them. You don’t know what your baby is going to be, you don’t need to put a label on your baby – just have a baby shower.”
Indeed, lets put aside some of the more bizarre media hypes over gender identities aside. The most crucial focus for ‘It Gets Better’ during their anniversary is the global trend of transgender rights being in recession.
Life for transgender people all over the world is in a fragile place, amid a toxic media debate. This, while violence against trans people seems to be rising. The HRC recently told me that the US is on course to have the highest number of trans people murdered in any year on record.
“I feel like, even though our visibility has grown – the attacks and the murders have grown too,” Gorgeous says. “Visibility is a step to making a change, but – and I can barely talk about it without crying – these girls who are living their authentic lives, are being attacked and murdered for who they are? It’s so disgusting. It needs to end.”
“The more we put it on social media, and scream it from the rooftops – hopefully, the more people will become aware and more sensitive. We can’t keep being murdered and ignored. We’ve put in so much work, and we need allies to support us now.”
Just as the campaign focused on sexuality ten years ago – for Gigi, the fight for trans rights is at a similar, and potentially pivotal point. But, what’s clear above all, is her message to fans is the same now, even if the context is different: It Gets Better.