GnuPG crypto library can be pwned during decryption – patch now!

Bug hunter Tavis Ormandy of Google’s Project Zero just discovered a dangerous bug in the GNU Privacy Guard team’s libgcrypt encryption software.


The libgcrypt library is an open-source toolkit that anyone can use, but it’s probably best known as the encryption library used by the GNU Privacy Guard team’s own widely deployed GnuPG software (that’s the package you are using when you run the command gpg or gpg2).

GnuPG is included and used for digital security in many Linux distributions:

gpg is the OpenPGP-only version of the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). It is a tool to provide digital encryption and signing services using the OpenPGP standard. gpg features complete key management and all bells and whistles you can expect from a decent OpenPGP implementation.

In theory, this vulnerability could lead to what’s known as RCE, short for Remote code Execution, because the bug can be triggered simply by sending libgcrypt a block of booby-trapped data to decrypt.

In other words, a program that used libgcrypt to decrypt and check the integrity of data submitted from outside the network – ironically, something you might do to see if you should trust the data in the first place – could be tricked into running an arbitrary fragment of malware code hidden away inside that data.