WhatsApp decided to make content sharing easier by avoiding unnecessary delays. Here’s what changed.
WhatsApp app is undoubtedly one of the most famous and used in the world. Inside it is possible to chat, call and video call, Send each other all types of files and share as much as possible with your loved ones, thus shortening the distance.
However, there is one problem that has always affected the sharing of important content and that is messages failing or slowing down due to connectivity issues and hence not being delivered on time. A problem that WhatsApp staff has committed to fixing with an update Which, from today (or rather, from when it’s made available), will notify them of any issues.
WhatsApp ends content sharing delay: Here’s what changes
Let’s start by saying that, as often happens with this app, the update won’t be available immediately to everyone but only to betas. Subsequently, once tested, it will be released over time involving more users around the world. said, The new feature consists of a warning system when sharing files. In other words, WhatsApp is testing the public notification function to ensure that if an upload stops or fails, a clearly visible message comes immediately to encourage you to fix the problem.

On the surface this may seem like a small thing, but those who are used to sharing even large files know well that this is a really important innovation. Firstly because who sends You no longer have to constantly check the app to see if everything is fine. And immediately afterwards, because by having an immediate warning in case of interruptions or problems, it will be possible to repeat the shipment, thus ensuring that it reaches its destination. In short, this is one of the many WhatsApp updates aimed, as always, at improving the user experience of various users and ensuring that they can enjoy the service as much as possible, Without the need to use other apps.
In fact, we cannot fail to consider that with the many innovations of recent times, it is possible to do virtually anything on WhatsApp. And this is definitely one of the reasons for the popularity of this app which has always grown with its users over time, adapting to fashion and change and always proving to be one step ahead of other apps.