Hell and heaven. Just a year ago, still at this time, WhatsApp began to feel the breath on the neck of Telegram, the well-known privacy problems, the revelation of Zuckerberg’s “mole”, a hand brake on the world’s unbridled rush of numbers, since 2014 it has become part of the extended Facebook family. , now meta.
A year has passed, more or less, and all this seems like a long time ago. the past Already, in 2022, California’s instant messaging pace has changed, to go with new features, currently in various beta versions, defined and ready to launch on the market.
here Incognito BrowsingA cross for Mark Zuckerberg and company in 2021, strongly desired by WhatsApp in 2022 in the name of a pleasant privacy for supporters of the most famous application on planet Earth.
How many new features for WhatsApp. But watch out for the smartphone version
Will be there soon In-app purchasesson in partnership with an Indian company, JioMart, The company is a leader in the local e-commerce segment, which will allow WhatsApp users to browse, buy groceries and other products without leaving the application.
In short, forgetting the innovative connection to the camera, without replacing the camera card, all administrators can delete a group’s SMS, there will also be the opportunity to create a community on WhatsApp (beta for Android).
Hearing a lot of feedback from users (it’s no coincidence that the polls are being tested in beta), WhatsApp decided to give the group a good change, goodbye to the unwanted. With the new update, reportedly scheduled for October, WhatsApp users will have more control over access to groups, choosing who can add us. Enjoy more privacy, less notifications. How do you do it?
The usual way, to get through without a hitch: Settings, first tap Accounts then Privacy. Another touch, under the item group. This is where you can decide who to add. You can choose options “all”, “my contact“, but also”Except my acquaintance”, in order to avoid that one of our contacts adds us to a group, without our will. More privacy, less notification tolerance, repeat the concept better.
All very nice. But these and other new features coming to the world’s number one instant messaging app will be visible to millions of users. Not for everyone, unfortunately. Yes, WhatsApp looks to the future, not back: iPhone 4, 5 and 5s models will not be able to access the most updated version of WhatsApp. For versions 10 and 11 of the operating system, updates are no longer available, but your mobile phone must have iOS 12 or later. It’s paying off in the tech world, which goes very fast. Just like WhatsApp.