Google has confirmed in a teaser video that its upcoming smartphone lineup includes a new foldable model. The company called the Pixel 9 Pro Fold “a foldable phone made for the Gemini era” in its promotional tweet, and even pointed to its AI chatbot in the video. Like the non-foldable Pixel 9 Pro, this model also has a prominent camera notch. The lenses are arranged vertically on one side of the phone, so the camera bump is mostly present and doesn’t take up the full width of the folded device.
While Google has yet to officially reveal the model, an earlier leak has surfaced courtesy of it Android AuthorityGoogle has already revealed many details about the upcoming Pixel 9 model. Taiwan’s National Communications Commission (NCC) has uploaded a gallery of each phone – Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL and 9 Pro Fold – to its archive. Some of these images show the 9 Pro folded open and show how Google has moved its selfie camera to the inside display for a wider field of view. The model’s screen appears to have a notch reduced, at 250mm or just under 10 inches.
The NCC leak revealed that the upcoming devices will also require larger chargers. According to the company’s tests, charging rates are generally faster than previous models, although the Pixel 9 Pro Fold was the slowest. We will be able to confirm these details when Google unveils its new smartphones at the upcoming Made by Google event to be held on August 13.
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