The new Google I / O 2022 introduces the new modality “Immersive Mode” on Google Maps to revive the experience with the popular app navigation.
Non solvable hardware and ecosystem Google, how we came to be in one Dedicated article. Il Google I / O 2022 Significance depends on the size of the problem Google Maps And the love story from Giant Giant Mountain View has rendered the app’s navigation navigation straps much more complete and authentic.
The novelty of the most realistic “security of the model”Visual Immersiva”, Che riprodurrà tridimensionalmente The search engine has been searched, but it is not easy to find Street View. Attract the disposable screens (mobile or PC) to find out where the emirate’s location comes from. Result is possible secondo Google grazie All Artificial Intelligence – the second most responsive even processor in Google Tensor second generation – and one The fusion of the millennia of imagery and satire intersect with data from Street View.
The love of evolution is not always so simple and for this reason whatVisual Immersiva”Di Google Maps arriving gradually. Come spying on this Big G sul palco of Google I / O 2022, the first reprinted three-dimensionally Google Maps saranno Londra, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo and New Yorkbut more often than not, this is something that could possibly be related to other important cities of the world.
If you want to communicate with an important newcomer, come see how beautiful Sundar Pichai is, in addition to Google, it is very useful in grades of immergers – non-casual – to take advantage of the city that supports it. “Immersive Mode”, Spulciandone tutti i vari dettagli. È This is a very popular and well-thought-out suggestion of Londra reprodotta dal’alto with a brew focus even all the rest of the family’s restaurants. È How to physically fit into any device using a smartphone or a PC.
Google Assistant
Google Maps This is not the only software at the point where Big G has been able to get away with Google I / O 2022. The American government has officially added a new functionality.Multisearch”Which allows easy combining tramite Google Lens insurendo imagini e testo. A modification that has been developed in a very practical way, in which it is very possible to get certain indications precisely on determining an object along with a photo (since it is possible, the composition in a caption).
Infine, an acne even more ‘Google Assistant. Since it was necessary to prompt the command “Ok Google” to avoid Assistant (or alternately click on a dedicated dedication, hardware or software), the American American has announced new modalities of interaction with its assistive vocabulary. Also, the possessors of a dispositive Nest Hub Approve Google Assistant regularly guarding nello schermo. Not only this, with the help of Ultraior affiliate machine learning in Google Assistant, it is very important to render the conversations with the assistant more precisely.