Google has also integrated an innovation for battery in its Pixel phones with the latest Android 15 update. “Adaptive charging” now has a new option to limit the battery’s maximum charge to 80 percent.
There is a special technique and two exceptions. Another exception to this is now known.
The first known exception was that the battery sometimes needed to be charged to 100 percent so that the smartphone could calibrate to the actual maximum possible level.
one more The only known exception now is the Pixel cell phone. If the device is off and waiting to charge, it will be charged up to 100 percent even if the charging limit is active.
The joke mentioned earlier in the text will go unexpected. If the device is turned on and the 80 percent charging limit is active, when the limit is reached, the Pixel cell phone is supplied with power directly and bypasses the battery as long as the device is still connected to the power supply.