Google has announced the January 2025 update for the Google Pixel a day late. Obviously we can no longer rely on new updates appearing on the first Monday of every month, it’s getting less and less now.
Anyway, the new update with software version AP4A.250105.002 will be available on Pixel devices from January 7, 2025. Network operator Verizon has already made the most important correction treacheryWhich is coming to our Pixel models with this update
Here are the fixes for the Pixel 8 series (machine translated):
- Audio : Fixed audio lag and stability issues when using certain apps
- User interface : Fixed icon color display issue in Pixel Launcher under certain conditions
Here are the fixes for the Pixel 9 series (machine translated):
- the camera : Fixed an issue with camera stability when switching to a connected camera under certain conditions
- Display and graphics : Fixed an issue with flashing lines on the screen under certain conditions
All other devices will likely receive only the latest security patches. The distribution of the update will probably start on the evening of January 7.