How to Achieve Brand Building Through Social Media
You probably already know that social media is one of the most powerful brand-building tools available.
And it might be why you’re thinking of using it to help build your brand!
But what’s your next step?
How do you become the next success story, one that people are tweeting, retweeting, liking, and sharing?
The truth is, social media’s good, but it takes more than just building a brand profile; it isn’t a “Field of dreams.”
For success to come, you first need a social media branding strategy.
One that consistently engages with your target audience builds brand awareness and drives highly converting traffic.
The good news is we’re going to tell you how to achieve brand building through social media.
All you have to do is put it into action.
1. Consistency over social platforms
There’s one word you’ll regularly hear people say when talking about brand building, and that’s consistency. It’s the number one tactic for success on social media, and it takes work, dedication, and discipline.
However, there are tools available to help reduce your workload.
But before you can use them, there’s a couple of things you have to do:
Start by writing your profile, and remember, it’s more than just a brand description; this is where you begin creating the consistency that’ll run throughout your marketing campaigns.
The elements you choose now are what create your audience’s future perception of your brand. So, ensure you select a style of language, graphics, colors, fonts, and a logo that represents you in a way that you want to be seen.
After all, first impressions count, and this is your chance to make the right one.
Once you have your profile, put it on all of your platforms; if you have to reduce it for specific places, ensure you keep the main elements like images and colors the same throughout.
2. Designing a logo
Before discussing designing a logo, a quick word about why you need one; it’s that word consistency again!
Your logo’s the most potent visual your brand will ever use, and if done right, it’ll be the cohesive anchor that ensures the rest of your content is instantly recognizable.
Find design inspiration from the following resources:
- Your audience: Every demographic has a specific style; design your logo to suit theirs.
- Your market: There are colors, fonts, and shapes proven to work in every market; incorporate them into your logo.
- Your brand: Capture and project the essence of who you are and what you offer; this is your brand’s personality and reason for being.
Options for creating one:
- Make it yourself, and you don’t have to be an artist or an online designer to do it, as you can design your own logo using an AI logo maker from a company like Tailor Brands. They specialize in providing logos based on a combination of your findings and their extensive range of related design elements proven to work for your niche and target market.
- Outsource to a designer auction site. Post your requirements along with the price you’re willing to pay, and designers compete for your contract.
- Hire a design agency. Prices can range from a couple of hundred dollars to a couple of thousand, depending on your requirements, IE, how much of the work you want them to do. One way of bringing the price down and ensuring you get a truly unique logo is by first creating it on a logo making tool and then employing the designer to add their knowledge and experience.
3. Brand voice and style
Your brand’s voice and style help determine how your brand is perceived, so it needs to be in the right language and tone for your target audience; otherwise, any content you post might be misunderstood.
How to find your voice:
Your audience demographics, plus your product or service, can help you determine your choice of voice and style when it comes to branding on social media. It helps to give your brand a personality by imagining it as a person, using three adjectives to describe their nature, considering how old they are, what they look like, and their interests; these will help you find their voice and style.
4. Talk like a human
You can’t build a brand on social media by selling your products; it requires a more subtle approach because users aren’t there to hear a sales pitch. Social media communities only connect with genuinely authentic brands, and you do that by talking like a human; hey, after all, it should come naturally, shouldn’t it?
On social media, you can talk with everyone as if they’re friends, so be relaxed, use first names, and colloquial language where possible. But remember that how you speak when posting has to reflect the voice and style you’ve created for your brand, so keep them as consistent as possible.
Your goal is to create a brand that resonates with your target audience, saying that we connect with people, not brands, so show off your personal side, and telling a good story is an excellent way of doing that.
5. Tell a story
People repeatedly buy brands, not products, and nothing sells better on social media than a brand with a good story. But here’s the thing, people don’t connect with brands, do they? They connect with the people behind them.
Creating a strong personal story for your brand gives your audience a reason to buy into it. Because it provides them with a dialogue, which they can connect to by relating it to their own experiences; in essence, they make your story their story.
Here are some ways of creating a compelling story that will engage with your audience:
- Show the human side of your brand.
- Infuse narratives into your updates.
- Incorporate elements of your story in all of your posts
- Use consecutive updates to build out your story.
6. Relevant content
How often do you read content that isn’t relative to you? Never, right.
Social media audiences are no different. The only way to engage your audience in a way that encourages them to promote your brand is by giving them content that they want to be associated with.
Tips for creating relevant content:
- Be positive in everything you post.
- Research your content thoroughly.
- Always use your authentic voice.
- Create it, so it speaks your audience’s language.
- Keep it short and to the point.
- Always add a call to action.
- Use images and videos where ever possible to tell your story, which leads us to your final step.
7. Visuals
Content filled with relevant images is proven to engage with social media audiences 94% more than content without. It’s because we connect with visuals far quicker and remember them far longer.
The popularity of visuals now offers a unique opportunity for brands to ensure audience engagement. And by using the right graphics in your content, you breathe life into it, enabling you and others to share your vision, tell your story, and sell your products or services.
Of course, social media platforms are well aware of this. They now provide brands with the ability to post visuals linked directly to their websites, meaning viewers can become consumers at the click of a visual!