Huawei is currently offering a cover for a smartphone that is extremely attractive, with a lot of data on a multi-utility component of its Chinese devices.
A way to bypass the restorative norm and showcase innovative capacities, combining utility and technology. Come report it ITHomean informant on Weibo, the most famous social network in Cina Huawei: una Integrated 5G cover for smartphone with modem.
A factor that might not be appealing to the public but involves assuming a rulo and a central portal in the case. The latest smartphone is Huaweiwhich we record is not possible in the past Collaborate on data connectivity in 5G. The accompanying accompaniment of the progetto sono ancora poco chiare ma si intuisce già che la cover progettata da Huawei non rununcerà all ‘aesthetica: si intravede in questo senso la srgiante colorazione arancione, with finiture pensate per agevolare la presa In fact, the custodian does not want to touch the smartphone, not even the appetite.
Huawei: The new cover for smartphones with integrated 5G modem
The particle of della Huawei’s cover project è Legata allincimento a slot dove insirire una scheda SIMAdopt an evolution with all the necessary hardware components for the functionality of the data: an explicit, insomnia, for the portal of all smartphones from the 5G connectivity and the benefits of 5G connectivity.
We are not interested in this accessory restoring a preemptive mercato asiatico opper from a more diffused generalization. In this case, manipulative caprices can be seen from the front (treating an appointment with a custodial and dutifully treats each other in a way that sounds like aesthetics and dispository formats) solitary suits top gamma opper ani a pico. Restore even the most accessible accessory with gli smartphone Huawei: è Probably a function of HarmonyOS or a specific app can regulate its function on your device.
Menu dubbi, infine, sul fattore squisitamente commerciale: trattandosi infatti di un accessorio, è Probably will do the same to the consumer. A little sacrifice to have access to a complete connectivity data and ultimate generation.