Among the features presented by the new Huawei P50 Pro, there is also a feature of the dual-matrix camera. Ecco come funzionerà
We are finally. Dopo una lunga attesa, Huawei has presented a new source of information P50 Pro. The idea: chiara: l’azienda punta ad essere la numero uno nel mercato dei mobile device. Per lanciare al meglio il device, si è decisi de puntare parecchio sul comparto fotografico, parlando addrittura di “New era” in photography.
In fact, it is often a functional and multi-functional solution with all providers. le lenti montate sul P50 Pro. Huawei la ha definita True of Life, with ottiche avanzate and other illustrations of the imaging system, with a resa dei detagli mai così ottimale. Tra letre cose, c’è la Dual Matrix-Camera.
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Come functional dual matrix-camera of Huawei P50 Pro
Con il nuovo Huawei P50 Progli utinno avranno tra le mani un vero e proprio gioiellino per ciò che riguarda le photoocamere. LEICA There was a volta data via via a partnership at all levels, with a quad camera that presents a magnificent 50 megapixel with aperture focal f / 1.8. The addition of a 13MP Ultra Grandangola sensor and an ultra-perceptible 64MP sensor. Infine the black and white sensor of 40MP, with scatti nativi monocolore.
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Grande attenzione è stata riservata sulla Dual-Matrix Camera, which presents the concept of a doppio module of a photo camera with a design adapted to a doppio. This is due to the sensory True-Chrome and a multi-spatter. Trai principals vantaggi dell’ottica, HUAWEI XD and HUAWEI XD Optics. With this new technology, a new Volta Huawei has brought the important data to the scalp photographers. There is a vero and proprietary process of rendering the imagery, with an attachment post and details that render the lavoro finale to a professional My first visit to a smartphone.