Google has some upcoming updates for Pixels in preparation, the next Pixel feature will already be released in March and Android on June 16 which the user can choose to go to the ringtone. This works because haptic engines are very high quality today.
Google becomes Provide plenty of vibration patterns, the Tone app has already released today. 12 for ring tones and 11 for notifications. The vibration patterns are sometimes strong, sometimes gentle, so users can then choose freely.
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Vibration patterns for ringtones:
- Among these are 12 patterns, including:
- synchronized
- Classic long vibration
- Push, figure, rhythm
- Strudel, drum strike, dip
- Gentle waves, heartbeat, gearbox
Vibration patterns for notifications:
- There are 11 different patterns, such as:
- Classic short vibration
- Taps, bleeps, rumbles
- Wave, gently climb, tremble
- Fireworks, rattlesnakes, buzzing, rapid fire
We still don’t know when these vibration patterns are delivered to users.