Left 4 Dead è tante cose, ma è prima di tutto un gioco sugli zombie. The saber-rattling of pottery and diversity is like that Gabe Newell voleva eliminali dal gioco. The motivation? Erano “dozzinali”.
The information arrives Faliszek – Writer of Portal, Half-Life and Left 4 Dead – which recently changed with the YouTube channel Kiwi Talkz. On this occasion, the conductor Reece Reilly has told the Falsezek of Lavro Svolto on Left 4 Dead, in particular how the story of the zombie possesses a spice with a series of clichés and his poise spasio for some originality. For this reason, Newell will soon find the team of long-suffering zombies, initially.
“All of a sudden, a volta sonato a cena with Gabe and Lui mi ha detto ‘se guardi a film di zombie, la notte dei morti viventi riguarda il razzismo, L’alba dei morti viventi riguarda il consumismo'” he detalis Faliszek. Newell asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
“I am the one who replies: ‘Beh, if you love the Lavora insime, è the gioco stesso, è a rifleso del gioco’,” continued Faliszek. “We are constantly pressing the same question all the time before my record that Newell has a certain point ‘beh, not us gli zombie, gli zombie son simply compliments on the cat’ ‘. and all the rest, which was very dangerous “.
Faliszek has told us that watching multiple movie horror classics when it was more popular, not rendering content as it seems like this is a little smiling, but he presents the decision to render personally more consoles from those who are with him.
Faliszek ha affirmato: “Così mi sono detto: ‘Perché non prendiamo a personaggi e il mondo, e rendium alcuni dei personagi consapevoli di essere essentially in a zombie movie?’ Zoe and Lewis the caption and the icon ‘Oh my God this is the story of the movie,’ but the interpretation is serious “.
Well fine, come on, the team of sviluppo has got the meglio and is still for a good. The saga does not follow the second caption, but infinitely arrives with a spiritual sentiment: Back 4 Blood, one of our nostalgia.