Torniamo a parlare di iPhone 14, nuwa nava serie di melafonini che si preannuncia revoluzionaria. Nelle scorse ore, sono spuntati i primi render
At the same time the distance from the launch of the iPhone 13, Apple has given its time to its flagship and its new flagship. Gli iPhone 14 Prometheon of writing one of the most disruptive series of the ultimate annihilation, for a description in particle: l’abbandono del notch. Dato ormai per certo sui modelli Pro, dovrebbe tardare di un anno per quelli standard.
Nevertheless, they are scorched and they are spontaneous New rumors in melato ai melafonini del futuro. Nello specifico, Pigtou ha pubblicato i possibly render The process of iPhone 14 Pro. However, if the treatment is not definitive, at the base of all indications emerge, it may be possible to get an idea of what Apple wants.
The iPhone 14 is one of the few things we can do
From rendering publications to Pigtou, we can enjoy the process iPhone 14 Pro Avoid corneal stitches on your tutti and a doppio foro perforato, which andrà to the notch. The level of photocamera, invented, the module modified the iPhone 13 with the most obtrusive retro. And the classic Apple logo on the center. And to give an oocyte more than a bit of lati, and rendering most of a volume of volume, a slot per schede sim and a cursor from Aviso sul Bordo Sinistro. The only thing that matters is that it is only the accents and accents. Spontaneity nella parte inferior, we will find another volta porta lightninga griglia dell’altoparlante and a microphone.
Facing a copy of the specific technology, the iPhone 14 Pro dovrebbe essere alimentato da 8 GB of RAM and an ultimate generator of Bionic processor. The photo camera can make a difference The main sensor is 48 MP, accompaniment from super zoom and from lente grandangolare. As much as the data of uskita, invisce, we can expect as always a finesse that from the month of September onwards in October, with the vendetta that inevitably pops up.