Unfortunately, it was announced a few weeks ago that Matthew Perry, best known for playing Chandler on the series friends, died due to a domestic accident. While several celebrities expressed their grief at the time, some Friends members remained silent, perhaps to process what happened. now, Matt LeBlanc, who worked with Perry on the show when he brought Joey to life, has finally decided to speak out on the matter.
Through his Instagram account, LeBlanc shared a few photos of her and Perry on set friendsWherein he also issued the following message:
“It is with great sadness that I say goodbye. The times we spent together were truly some of the favorite times of my life.
It was an honor to share the stage with you and call you my friend. I will always smile when I think of you and I will never forget you. never
Fly with your wings brother, you are finally free. Much love, lots of love.
And I guess you can keep the $20 you owe me.”
The actor played Perry’s Chandler Bing’s best friend Joey Tribiani, which ran for 10 years and currently has 236 episodes. LeBlanc and Perry both received Emmy nominations during their time on the show.
Perry was found dead at his California home on October 28. She began her screen career as a child star in the late 1970s before landing roles at Studio 60. Sunset Strip, West Wing y ally, But it wasn’t until friends who achieved stardom. He has also been seen in several films Crowd of fools, the whole nine yards y 17 again.
The most important thing is that Perry wanted to be remembered for his advocacy workThat includes asking the US Congress for better funding for drug courts and opening Perry House, a sober living center for men.
On a related note, you can learn more about Matthew Perry’s death here. Similarly, the rest of the friends reacted to the news.
Editor’s note:
It’s a real shame when a loved one passes away early. While it is true that some members of the Friends have been slow to react to this fact, they have the right to grieve as they see fit, and not always reveal themselves to the public.
Through: Matt LeBlanc