There is a serious problem in Mexico that has, little by little, infiltrated the online market and that is counterfeit products. free marketOne of the leading digital buying and selling sites, revealed that in the second quarter of 2023, More than 5 million posts have been removed for violating the site’s terms and conditions.
According to a study shared by Mercado Libre, between April and June 2023, 5.4 million products on the site had to be removed for non-compliance. Of which 875,352 were made in Mexico. Along with this, it is noted that 173,355 publications have been reported by users and authorities. Although these may be seen as alarming numbers, Mercado Libre confirms that it represents 0.84% ​​of the total publications made on the platform.
Within the category, removal products belong Counterfeit products, software, books, drugs, beads and games, CBT imports, medical equipment, misclassified adult products, animals, and tobacco. Along with Mexico, countries like Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina are also suffering from similar problems.
Of the total number of deleted posts, 97% detected by Mercado Libre tools and systems and only 3% by users, according to the Transparency Report. Now, those responsible face a range of consequences, from publication removal to account suspension or cancellation and, in extreme cases, reporting to the authorities.
It is important to note that these are last year’s data, and Mercado Libre has not yet shared information related to 2024, so it is unknown whether the number of counterfeit products has increased or decreased over the past 12 months. In related matters, COFECE halts Mercado Libre and Amazon. Similarly, Mercado Libre has announced a collaboration with Anime Onegai.
Editor’s note:
This is very common in Mexico. Piracy and counterfeiting have increased over the years, and the advent of digital marketplaces has allowed them to expand considerably, making it more difficult to claim refunds.
Via: Mercado Libre