it is Nintendo Direct The past held many of our hopes, Metroid Prime 4: BeyondA game that was announced seven years ago E3D 2017, And it saw few publications during its development process, given that the creation had to be restarted in 2019 and the pandemic situation added to it. And now that we have seen the video for the first time, there are already people who have some doubts about it, since its quality level is very high, they say that this trailer was not captured from a switch conventional
With so much skepticism along the way, interviews with the media have been requested Digital Foundry, YouTubers Dedicated to analyzing gaming performance issues, this refers to the analysis of what we can do with a first-person shooter video game. Noting that it has a lot of potential and what has been seen so far looks decent, but what has finally been seen on screen goes hand in hand with the currently conventional device.
Here is what is referred to by Richard Leadbetter:
It looks great and has a number of nice effects that we got a closer look at, but ultimately all evidence points to this game running on the original Switch. The internal rendering resolution is 900p, the same as Metroid Prime Remastered. And as good as it is, there are some aliasing issues and even some minor frame rate drops. Everything about the visual composition is consistent with a truly well-made Switch game, with Retro having an excellent track record. I imagine the development studio is very happy that people are connecting to the Switch 2, mind you.
How do they add up? Retro Studio Such a convincing effect will be achieved:
There are a few things at play here, but ultimately it’s a developer’s skill set working on a particular platform that they’ve had time to get to know over a long period of time. That singular focus makes great things possible. Another good example is Halo 4 on the Xbox 360. At the end of a console’s life cycle, you can boost the hardware in ways you never imagined before.
It is noteworthy that they do not rule out the fact that what has already been analyzed may ultimately be better Nintendo One type of platform decides to release the game at launch and how it will be received 2025, it is very possible that the corresponding port is being created. However, it’s sure to leave doubts until we finally get our first look at the next console.
Remember that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is determined for 2025.
Through: IGN
Author’s Note: This certainly led many of us to believe that it is running on the Nintendo Switch 2 But in the end I’m glad the conventional model can support it, since not everyone is going to buy the new one at launch