Satya Nadella, the CEO Microsoftnot teme l ‘antitrust For Activision Blizzard’s acquisitions. The motivation? Xbox co ankora troppo piccola to treat concordance. So, of course, after the inquiry, there is a lot of respect for other companies (Tencent and Sony).
Quindi, second Nadella, Microsoft might not allow concessions all over the rice for the application: “This is exactly the style of governing the country that he has used in Russia. Even after the inquiries, we were always counted with a quota of adolescents (from the mercato de videogiochi) … but one of the most protagonists in the mercato frammentatissimo. “
The prequel to Nadella riguarda metaverso, the costi potre potrebbe attirare l’attenzione dell’atitrust. Insomnia, the organelle regulator potrebroro volere maggiore chiarezza sul nuovo mercato. Microsoft, as a whole, is working hard to create the platform that allows users to move around in virtual worlds, even to the point of concurrence. In addition, to recognize the volunteers who have meticulously approaches and collaterals, the regulatory diversion will be applicable to all other technologically compliant compounds, in the modus operandi that points to their identities for all.