As we ride the struggle bus called life, there are a few constants swirling around our general pleas for a content existence. One such constant is our desire for financial stability; pending that, at least a chance for some unearned cash along the way. Millions is a new project from an anonymous being or organization (who signs their emails “Anon McMillions”) looking to at least help us realize the second point — free money for doing next-to-nothing.
The first release (or game, or project) from Millions is, well, the lottery. Pick six numbers. If you match a few when they are drawn by the source, you get a few bucks. Match all six (out of 99, so the odds of that are astronomical and make the actual lottery look as easy as sticking your finger in your nose) and win one million dollars. Also, you have to follow Millions on Twitter. That’s part of the game. Future games will utilize other social platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, but this one is focused on building a strong Twitter following before that happens.
While the project is to this point, run by an entity who chooses to remain anonymous, the investors behind the project are anything but. Money is flowing in ($3mm at launch) from Biz Stone, Giant, 8VC, GoodFriends (co-founders of Allbirds, Warby Parker, Harry’s), the Co-founders of Casper, Jeremey Cai (CEO of Italic), Alex Bouaziz (CEO of Deel), and Daniel Greenberg of MSCHF. In the style of Mr. Beast and David Dobrik, the goal is to give away money through some light gamification, or as the anonymous founder of Millions tells me: to be the digital, modern day Publishers Clearing House.
“This has been a challenging year for so many people,” says Dave Gilboa, Co-Founder and CEO of Warby Parker. “There’s never been a better time to introduce products that bring joy into people’s lives and cash into their pockets, and that’s what Millions is building. The Millions $1,000,000 sweepstakes is a sneak peek into what is going to be a very exciting company.”
There is a bit of skepticism when it comes to this type of philanthropy, mostly because gaming altruism has a strange feeling of classism attached to it. An efficient method of wealth distribution would be to simply give money to charitable organizations that directly help those in need, such as food banks and rent relief programs. Instead, this methodology of giving away money is limited to those who participate in a social media setting, regardless of their actual need for assistance.
In a way, this lends to a thought of base degradation, though participation is completely optional, and who doesn’t like free money? Is it really that debasing to oneself if we dance for a general pittance, a chance at some magic internet cash? After all, what is this social media experiment if not an opportunity to blindly profit by simply existing in the simplest manner possible? As it is, Millions just wants to “gamify your life and allow you to win money by doing things you normally do.” Like playing the lottery, generally existing while sh1tposting on social media, and dreaming of Dogecoin hitting $1.
“Millions will be doing many drops, and the @Millions $1,000,000 Sweepstakes is just the first,” Alex Bouaziz, Co-founder and CEO of Deel says via email. “Follow a Twitter account on Twitter and potentially win $1M? Who wouldn’t want to do it?”
The Millions lottery will run for 10 weeks starting today, then the next game is [redacted], but is another extremely familiar and simple game which will be terribly easy for users to play. While it’s not as exciting as gaming the stock market to take down the man, redistributing wealth to the serfs, at least it’s low effort. The past four years have offered very few bright spots for a lot of people, if our Twitter feeds are any indication of that general sentiment. Millions is at least something that offers a positive spin on our social media inundated lives, with an incremental slice of monetary hope through low-impact participation.