Do you prefer to send voice messages? So hopefully you’re not one of those people who records half an audio book every time…
Along with calls and text messages, voice messages have become an integral part of communication. According to Bitcom survey Among 773 smartphone users age 16 and older, 41 percent prefer to send voice messages. They are especially popular among young people and men.
A majority (56 percent) are happy to receive a message by voice, with men (61 percent) preferring to receive it than women (51 percent). However, a total of 61 percent prefer text messages and 44 percent respond to voice messages later than text messages.
Long voice messages annoy 75 percent of those surveyed. The optimal length is 1.5 minutes on average. For 45 percent, a voice message should be a maximum of one minute long to make it enjoyable to listen to.
A third of users sometimes have difficulty remembering all the information from a voice message 30 percent would therefore prefer an AI function that summarizes voice messages in bullet points.
Dr. Bitcom expert. Sebastian Klöß sees voice messages as an opportunity to make communication more personal. He speculates that AI-generated summaries, like online meetings, will also be available for voice messages in the future.
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