Motorola is currently working on a flagship smartphone that will be equipped with the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. The smartphone will be launched in China as the Moto X50, while the global launch will be called the Edge 50 Pro But what do we currently know about the upcoming Motorola smartphone?
In recent months, the company has increasingly focused on the entry-level and mid-range smartphone segment. Also, the manufacturer offers competitors to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 (Test) with the Moto Razr 40 Ultra (Test). According to new information from the well-known Chinese liquor Smart Pikachu This may change again in the near future. He wrote on social media platform Weibo that Motorola now wants to re-enter the premium segment and is working on a smartphone. Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is working.
The rumored smartphone, the Moto X50, is expected In the second quarter of 2024 Appears in China. A global release called Motorola Edge 50 Pro Should be performed at a later date.
The next Moto flagship is a long time away
Compared to previous years’ release schedule, Motorola seems to be a bit late this time. After all, its predecessor, the Moto X40, was launched in December 2022 in the Chinese market. The smartphone finally entered the German market in April 2023 as the Motorola Edge 40 Pro.
Specifications and design are still unknown
Except for the built-in processor No information available at this time Other specifications of the smartphone. Nothing is known about the design yet. It’s exciting to see what technological innovations and functionality the upcoming Motorola Edge 50 Pro will have. Comparisons with other current flagship models from Samsung, Xiaomi and soon even OnePlus will be particularly interesting.
For reasons of better readability, masculine, feminine and different language forms (m/f/d) are not used at the same time. All personal names apply equally to all genders.