One of the best anime series in the world Naruto, a franchise with a blonde ninja as its protagonist, who struggles to be recognized in his village to have many friends. And since it’s a program that never goes out of style, it’s landed on a new streaming platform, so let’s remember that Netflix It has been for years.
The character will be nothing less than welcoming HBO Max, although it will have something extra on the red platform, it includes the HD version of the program but keeping the 4:3 aspect of the screen. Added to that it has dubbing Mexico And unlike when it aired, there is no censorship Cartoon Network.
Here are some version comparisons, one from Warner The one that reaches HBO Max:
— Weguer #Wanime #MultiVersus (@Weguer) July 12, 2022
As for the opening themes, it is ensured that they are faithfully preserved, with lyrics in Japanese, as was claimed in its day. Cartoon Network To change roles, so they have it as it is. It is also planned that the following installments of the franchise will come to the platform, including Shippuden y Boruto: Naruto Next Generation.
In related news HBO Max, the content of which will arrive on the streaming service in August, was recently announced. If you wish to view the full note, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: HBO Max