Android 14 QPR3 will be the last major update to Android 14 on Pixel devices.
Google hasn’t released a new April update for Pixel devices these days, but is releasing a new Android 14 QPR3 beta 2.1 for interested users. This is the latest experimental version of the next major update for Google devices, which is currently still in testing.
Pixel users can test the last major Android 14 update early
Google is planning a Pixel feature drop for June 2024, making it the last major update to Android 14 before the new Android 15 is released in the fall.
The most recent test version features visual improvements for widget selection, new modes for higher image quality for the webcam function, and numerous minor bug fixes for various issues (via 9 to 5)
Note: Google has been offering one for quite some time Beta program for Android Current Pixel cell phone owners can wirelessly and easily download the current test version to their device. However, you should keep in mind that betas are never bug-free and cannot necessarily be recommended for everyday use.
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