Although much time has passed since its adventures ash In the Monster Capture world, the adventures continue Pokemon Horizons, a series that introduces us to a new generation of heroes determined to be the best in the world. And after releasing two waves of episodes on streaming platforms, there’s already a new batch out of the oven for users to enjoy in the coming days.
It is confirmed that August 9 within this year Netflix More chapters follow where our protagonists are Liko and Rod, who are exploring the region Paldea, exploring the most amazing mysteries and making friends along the way who will join the fierce battles. Obviously the brand icon can’t be left out of the series, so we have participation too Captain PikachuA recurring character who stays away from events.
Here’s the synopsis for the new season:
After reuniting with his grandmother, Liko discovers the identity of his swinging Pokémon: Terrapagos! But the meeting is interrupted when the scouts attack, first following the Terrapagos and then setting their sights on the Black Rayquaza. Meanwhile, Voltionautas Tackle tries to learn more about the Ancient Pokeball and the Six Heroes. Lico and Rod continue to train to become stronger, and two new Pokemon board Brave Olivine. Then a rumor about a singing Pokemon leads the crew to Lucius’ six heroes…and Black Rayquaza is very close!
It’s worth mentioning though ash While the original focus has left, the anime’s producers have noted that it could appear at any time, either as a cameo between animated episodes or even as a rival to beat for the new generation. However, it may take a long time for the flagship coach with a cap to reappear so fans will continue to miss him.
Remember you can catch up Pokemon Horizons inside Netflix.
Through: announcement