For some time, the secret chat function has existed in Telegram. Here’s what it is specifically for full privacy protection and what you need to do to take full advantage of all its huge features
One of the most discussed topics in recent years is related to User Privacy. Even large companies are well aware of this, who have committed – and continue to do so – to offer their consumers solutions that are as secure and transparent as possible. Personal information.
just think WhatsApp Which, despite criticism, has long since introduced end-to-end encryption for its chats. But also a Telegram, which has always been considered as one of the best solutions when it comes to privacy Thanks for the special feature secret chat, which is not much talked about but which represents a source of salvation in some cases. Here is specifically what it is and what to do to make 100% use of it.
Secret chat on Telegram, here’s what you need to know
thank you secret chat is Telegram, it is possible to send and receive messages that self-destruct after a certain time. Then there is end-to-end encryption, which is already known WhatsApp And which guarantees complete transparency of data usage.
To be able to activate it immediately, you need to open the messaging platform, select the pencil symbol at the bottom right and in the menu that opens – tap – New secret chat. At this point you will be asked with which contact to activate the feature and the system itself will take care of the rest You’ll see the conversation stand out from the others with the contact name colored green and a lock symbol.
As well as a normal chat, you can send Message, GIF, Audio, Photo, Video And so on and so forth. In addition to notifications, you can enable a self-destruct timer for sent content Conversation after selected time It will eliminate itself including all messages in it. Note that there is also end-to-end encryption, the presence of which is confirmed even by the presence of both images and text on another person’s device. If you want secure conversations and without risking your privacy, Telegram’s secret chat might be for you!