Nikon unveiled the Z6 II last month, adding some more processing power and a few other modest upgrades to its ‘multimedia’ full-frame mirrorless offering. We got our hands on one and have some preliminary samples to share – take a look.
Vaporware no more: the much-speculated-about Zeiss ZX1 has arrived. Combining a 37MP full-frame sensor, minimalist controls and Lightroom Mobile built in, it’s a refreshing – if a bit quirky – take on the smartphone-meets-camera concept.
The Leica Q2 Monochrom is a version of the Gold Award-winning Q2 that only shoots images in black and white. It’s a niche (and pricey) product to be sure, but so far we find it to be well-designed and capable of outstanding results.
DJI’s second-generation Pocket camera includes a long list of useful upgrades including a wider, faster lens, a larger sensor, more resolution, improved audio and an optional handle that significantly improves control and supports live streaming.
The new DJI Mavic Mini 2 includes several notable improvements over the original Mavic Mini, including 4K video, Raw photo capability, and DJI’s robust OcuSync 2.0 transmission system.