After much speculation and long wait, Big N Finally decided to reveal its next video game platform to the world Nintendo Switch 2More details on which will be scheduled for a Nintendo Direct April 2nd.
This decision brings with it many implications and messages between the lines that are worth considering, proving that Nintendo wasn’t ready Hold an instant event and Rumors abound In the previous days and in the framework of CES 2025, they made it clear that the product is real.
For this reason, a emergency plan Just a brief introduction and mostly focused on providing confirmation of the console, while official event It will be shaped and expanded exactly like the traditional Nintendo Switch eight years ago.
This is the first time the organization has chosen a venue number two In one of its systems, since in the past it included words Super, the color y in advanceNintendo and GameBoy, respectively, or in recent cases, with Wii UWhere confusion was his worst enemy.
This strategy is consistent with what has been done PlayStation On all your home consoles or apple In the cell phone market, positioning products in the minds of consumers and making them easier to identify.
On an aesthetic level, the latest leaks were fully confirmed, ie screen will grow and Joy con In addition to that, they can be fastened by means of a connector instead of metal bars SL and SR buttons They will be bigger.
As previously mentioned, Library There will be Nintendo Switch games compatible With its successor, though, there will be some exceptions that will be addressed at the presentation next April where the big N’s route plan will also be discussed.
It cannot be ruled out that the desired console was there coming to the store from mayo or between summerConsidering that if there is a high supply of units, production has already started to guarantee enough inventory for all stores around the planet.
he Price unknown While it will likely have a good margin of maneuver to place it above the traditional Nintendo Switch, it’s below or, in extreme cases, on par with other devices like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.
At first glance, it looks like Nintendo has taken one A more continuous approach Compared to its other platforms, but the reality is that the Nintendo Switch has been one Paradigm shift In the entertainment industry and changing something that works perfectly would be too risky.
Without a doubt, one difficulty Present, that is Technical ability It has already reached its limits and is overwhelmed with titles that require great effort, so the advantage of having a hybrid platform with improved processing rate and memory will come together.
It is a fact that Nintendo Switch 2 It won’t reach the specifications of the Xbox Series X|S or PS5, but it will look Benefit from AI To render better textures and lighting, there must also be some other functionality at the hardware level such as using Optical sensor in Joy-Con.
its schedule Nintendo Little changed due to bullish speculation and an alternative move to calm the market, but the reality is that its schedule remains on schedule and is increasingly lacking. less time So that the public can enjoy New Gadgets The technology that guarantees it success.